Christian Museum Tours Near You

Our faith-building tours at the world's best museums are available in major cities accross the United States of America, no road trip required.

Chicago, Illinois

Field Museum
Learn about God's world through the lens of God's Word at the world's best museums, including the Field Museum in Chicago.

Denver, Colorado

Denver Museum of Nature and Science
Learn about God's world through the lens of God's Word at the world's best museums, including the Denver Museum of Nature and Science in Denver.

Los Angeles, California

Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County
Learn about God's world through the lens of God's Word at the world's best museums, including the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County in Los Angeles.

Orlando, Florida

Orlando Science Center

Learn about God's world through the lens of God's Word at the world's best museums, including the Orlando Science Center in Orlando.

Raleigh, North Carolina

North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences
Learn about God's world through the lens of God's Word at the world's best museums, including the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences in Raleigh.

San Francisco, California

California Academy of Sciences
Learn about God's world through the lens of God's Word at the world's best museums, including the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco.

Washington, District of Columbia

Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History
Learn about God's world through the lens of God's Word at the world's best museums, including the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History in Washington, DC.


  • Our Christian Museum Guide was accommodating. He promptly answered all my questions and sent me drafted emails with links to send to my students’ parents so they would receive the correct information. They had headsets for every person on the tour; they gave us an excellent guided tour of the museum. They showed pictures and diagrams on their tablets and explained the exhibits in an age- appropriate way for my students. Their thoughtfulness and care in keeping the group together was evident, with one of the tour guides always at the end of the line to ensure we stayed together.  The guides gave the students plenty of time for questions and answers, presenting everything with a Christian worldview that made our tour truly unique! It was an excellent field trip. It was wonderful to go to a science museum and receive the true perspective of when animals or things were created and how God designed them."

    -Miray, CCA Kindergarten Teacher
  • I highly recommend Christian Museum Tours! It will give you and your children the scientific knowledge to more accurately compare and contrast evolution with Creation. You will walk away in awe of God’s brilliance and His amazing design of the world and everything in it!"

    -Melody, Local Tour Participant
  • We go to Calvary Chapel, and I oversee our homeschool group classes. We are very interested in a Christian Museum Tour for our middle and high schoolers. Just so blessed that this is available to us, thank you Lord!"

    -Megan, Calvary Chapel Homeschool Coordinator
  • We loved the Christian Museum Tour that we experienced at the Science Museum! As the next generation goes out into the world, they will be faced with arguments that evolution is true. These tours are solidifying the fact that God is the creator of all things. Our kids will benefit as they share the truth of God with others. Thank you for this ministry!”

    -Lori, Local Homeschool Mom
  • As a parent raising children in our evolution-saturated society, where reality is based on feelings, this Christian Museum Tour was incredible. I want my kids to know that our Biblical worldview is based on historical and scientific facts. There are answers to our wonderings and God continues to reveal Himself and how He designed our earthly home. How incredible! The tour guides were knowledgeable and presented the information, using the museum’s own exhibits, in engaging ways that captivated all four of my kids, ages six to thirteen. I think even a parents-only tour would be incredible. I can only pray they continue to expand this ministry and am so grateful for yet another way to teach my kids the reality of God’s world that we live in."

    -Emily, Local Homeschool Mom
  • My kids shared things that had struck them as we walked out and on our way home in the car. I was personally encouraged by the loving heart of our Father towards us (as it came out multiple times through the tours as well as very specifically at the end), how you all presented with much clarity, confidence, and expertise, as well as the gentleness and humility with which I felt you spoke these truths into the hearts of our family. Thank you. Our visit on the Christian Museum Tour left me feeling a sense awe of our powerful and loving Creator. And while I realize this wasn’t perhaps the main purpose, it also deepened my joy in my identity as one loved and created with meaning and purpose. The gentlemen presenting shared fascinating and compelling information with clarity and confidence, but even more importantly to me, they shared with humility. At one point I got choked up and teary about how God has provided us with physical examples to understand spiritual realities and how much beauty He created seemingly just to give us beauty to enjoy. My kids still talk about things that were shared on the tours. We are thankful."

    -Natalie, Local Homeschool Mom
  • I am so grateful that, in today's climate, there is a program like Christian Museum Tours. The night after our visit, the kids and I were able to share a lot of details with their dad during dinner, and he was impressed at what they retained. I have already posted on my Instagram and Facebook pages about how awesome the program was. I've had a couple of friends reach out for details. Hopefully you will be seeing them soon. My daughter has decided to take her kids in a group with some of the homeschooling friends. I'm very grateful for the chance to expose my kids to a biblical perspective from someone other than me and my their dad. The fact that each one is an expert and has excelled in upper level education is wonderful. I pray that the Lord will keep you strong and wise in the face of the persecution that is bound to come!"

    -Glenda, Local Mom
  • We thoroughly enjoyed the tour. It made a big impact on my kids. They are still talking about the whale example. There was something special about being in an actual museum with things we could see and hearing a different narrative that the museum supports. That in itself will help my kids to think critically about the information they receive. With the increase in knowledge we have had many talks about being respectful of the other point of view when we present the new facts we have learned. For me personally, I am very encouraged to hear of more evidence supporting a young earth. Our family has listened to an audio series called Jonathon Park that gave us a lot of the vocabulary you use in your talk. Sometimes the material in Jonathon Park is presented as if it is fiction so it was delightful to learn the specific discoveries that went along with their fictionalized account especially the bones that held red blood cells. We will definitely take the tour again and tell our friends about it too. Please keep us updated on ways to support your ministry."

    -Sara, Local Mom
  • We attended a Christian Museum Tour this week and it was so refreshing to be able to enjoy the museum from a Christian worldview. We so often jump over the content offered as factual information that dismisses the idea of intelligent design. It was great to see some of the areas of our local museum with fresh eyes. This made for a great homeschool field trip."

    -Jennifer, Local Homeschool Leader
  • Please know how very much we value your work. More precious than silver and gold is your encouragement of parents engaged in daily battle against the godless spirit of the age.  In you we have allies and champions! During such a  tour, the leaders have a few brief moments to skillfully question and counteract the overwhelmingly evolution-acquiescent outlook of the museum. You all hit those marks while captivating and engaging the minds of a multi-aged group! You all model scholarship that is humble, but that insists upon the truth. The biblical references undergirded perfectly the overall and individual themes Specifically, I valued the gentleness and patience with which you listened to my son as he composed his thoughts and synthesized the information. I was struck in particular by the bold whale deception reliant upon moving nostrils and eye sockets ("ambulocetus"), the Methusaleh generation of monarch butterflies, the discussion of planetary movement, and the excellent summary and exhortation at the end. I will recommend this tour to all my Christian friends and fellow educators."

    -Sarah, Local Mom
  • Thank you again, Ben, for your amazing tour! We thoroughly enjoyed it.  One of our oldest students said that it was the best field trip he has had with Classical Conversations (and he has probably been on more than thirty field trips). I’d love to spread the word about what you are doing!  It was so refreshing to learn about how science really does prove the existence of a creator God and how it lines up with the truth revealed in the Bible.  It was a privilege to listen!​ Thank you so much!"

    -Britt, Classical Conversations Director
  • Thank you for the presentation today at the museum. When my wife mentioned the tour to me, I told her to sign me up. I enjoyed it and found the topics helpful. I know the presentation is helpful to school age children, but I think it’s highly beneficial for Bible-believing adults to attend. I think it should embolden believers to share their faith and push back against evolution. Again, thank you."

    -Joel, Local Homeschool Dad